This battery meter is designed to measure the battery condition by plugging it in cigarette lighting socket. Before igniting the engine, the meter shows 12 v on the screen. As the engine is ignited, 13 v ~ 15 v should appear on the screen, indicating it is in normal operating condition. r当汽车发动不着时,该检测器显示值低于10V,则表示dianping电量严重不足,此时应及时充电或更换电瓶,车辆启动后将自动给电瓶充电,约一个小时后,即可正常使用电瓶启动车辆。
If an engine fails to ignite, the meter will display 10 v or less on screen. It is then necessary to recharge, or replace the battery. After the engine runs about one hour charging the battery, it is back to operating condition. r特别说明: